What is teeth cleaning?

Teeth cleaning is an integral part of oral hygiene since it helps avoid developing dental problems. The dental professional will remove accumulated plaque and tartar from the teeth during teeth cleaning.

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Why is teeth cleaning done?

Dental care is essential for preventing cavities and other oral problems. However, regardless of how well you care for your teeth daily, it is necessary to get your teeth cleaned since they are more comprehensive and can refer you to a dentist if disease symptoms are present.

If teeth are not cleaned regularly, plaque and tartar build up on the teeth; then the following dental diseases may develop:

      • Dental cavities
      • Gingivitis
      • Periodontal disease
      • Halitosis
      • Abscesses

A typical dental cleaning appointment

The purpose of dental cleaning is to remove plaque and calculus (hard, calcified plaque) from the teeth’s surface. The session is generally done with a dental hygienist, and they will perform the following:

  • A pre-cleaning examination – First, they will do a comprehensive examination of your mouth. This is to rule out any oral health issues that might jeopardize the safety or efficacy of dental cleaning. If a problem is discovered, they may seek the counsel of a dentist to ensure that it is safe to proceed. Periodontal pockets can also be detected using a probe. These pockets can be detected between the teeth and the gum line; if they are larger than 5mm, a deep cleaning may be advised.
  • Scale and polish – This is the primary dental cleaning procedure used by dentists. First, an ultrasonic scaler is used. This gadget generates gentle vibrations that effectively remove the biggest bits of plaque and calculus. It also sprays cold water to wipe away any loose particles. The smaller and more resistant deposits are then scraped using finer-handled devices. After each tooth has been scaled, it is polished separately using an electric brush using a portable instrument. It rotates at the tip of the tooth and provides a smooth and shining finish by applying a gritty toothpaste-like solution (i.e., prophylactic paste).
  • Flossing – Flossing is the next step in professional teeth cleaning. This is identical to the floss you use at home. The dental professional, on the other hand, can go deep between the teeth and remove any residual plaque or debris using their specialized skills. They can also address problems you may find difficult to reach or have previously overlooked.
  • Fluoride treatment – Fluoride is a natural substance known to strengthen teeth and help prevent plaque and calculus formation. It is found in toothpaste. On the other hand, the fluoride gel used in dental cleaning has a much greater concentration and a much faster and more powerful impact. The gel is inserted into a flexible mouthpiece that fits securely over the teeth.
  • Advice and tips – At the end of the appointment, the dental professional will offer tailored advice regarding your oral health. For example, they may offer tips on how to keep the teeth clean and reach tricky areas. Or they may explain the best methods to kill mouth bacteria and minimize plaque build-up.


After the teeth cleaning treatment, it is important to continue with good dental care. This must include brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing and rinsing your mouth with antibacterial mouthwash daily. It would help if you had dental teeth cleaning every six to twelve months.


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